Word of Honor in Nauvoo

A true story
Keep all your pledges (D&C 136:20).

Susan Billings Mitchell, “Word of Honor in Nauvoo,” Friend, Apr. 2001, 22

Eunice loved to sing. Her parents, Titus and Diantha Morley Billings, often sang for Church meetings at the request of the Prophet Joseph Smith. At a very early age, Eunice was taught to harmonize with them and sing the alto part. The Prophet Joseph must have enjoyed her singing, because every time he saw her, he took her on his knee and had her sing a song. Eunice attended Eliza R. Snow’s school with the Prophet’s children. Her mother did sewing and doctoring for the Prophet’s family, so Eunice was in his home often.
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Witnesses of the Glories of Heaven

The historical background of Doctrine and Covenants 137

Milton V. Backman Jr., “Witnesses of the Glories of Heaven,” Ensign, Mar. 1981, 59

As members of the Church, we read with joy and gratitude the experience of the Prophet Joseph Smith viewing the glories of the celestial kingdom, and we share some of his own happiness at seeing his beloved brother, Alvin, in that sacred location. But we may not realize that the ten short verses that will appear in new editions of the Doctrine and Covenants later this year as Section 137 (formerly Joseph Smith—Vision, in the Pearl of Great Price) record only one event—even though a very significant one—in a period of Church history when the Lord’s spirit was being poured out upon the Saints in blessing upon blessing.
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Seven Church Headquarters

Doctrine and Covenants and Church History

From New York to Utah: Seven Church Headquarters

Each place that served as Church headquarters has its own significance in the development of the restored Church.

Keith W. Perkins, “From New York to Utah: Seven Church Headquarters,” Ensign, Aug. 2001, 52

Today it is easy for us to identify Church headquarters as Salt Lake City, Utah. But at various times from 1830 to 1848 if a friend had asked a Church member, “Where is the headquarters of your church?” the answer would not always have been so simple.
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Food for the Winter

Mary Pratt Parrish, “Food for the Winter,” Friend, Nov. 1971, 42
When Tommy, Betsy, and their parents left Nauvoo, they had enough food to last for one year. They hoped this would be enough food to sustain them until they reached the valley out west and could plant and harvest their own crops. But now they were still at Winter Quarters, and they would be there until next spring.
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