University of Utah – Thorne Studio Collection (Vernal Utah)

Deved Collection Alphabetical Listing PO272

This is an alphabetical listing of the collection we received from the Thorne studio in Vernal Utah. When the collection was received, it contained an index to most of the photographs in the collection. However, due to the size of the collection and the number of people involved with it, the spelling of names and places may not be entirely correct. Because the index was handwritten, there was quite a broad margin for error. This listing is as complete and correct as was possible, given the circumstances and time involved.

This would be a good collection to investigate in the future. Silva Arbutus Roper was my dad’s cousin. I wonder if she is the same as the Arbutus below?
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New Items

I just posted a few items that I’ve had for a while, but didn’t want to make public. One of the features I like about WordPress (the new weblog software) is that an individual entry can be protected by a keyword. Although these entries are not completely secure the protection is adequate to keep this information private.

Please contact me for the keyword (password) I’m using to protect these entries.