John Cunningham and His Son Michael Hayes Brannigan Cunningham

Pioneer Family: John Cunningham and His Son
Michael Hayes Brannigan Cunningham

Written by Robert Lee Cunningham and Gregory Robert Cunningham

April 3, 2002

Michael Hayes Brannigan Cunningham was born in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania on April 11, 1842. He was the first of nine children to be born
to John and Susan (Deam) Cunningham. Michael Cunningham’s active and
adventurous life started at a very early age. The Cunningham family left
Pennsylvania by wagon train with the Stoner and Deam party shortly after
Michael’s birth. Those in the covered wagon train that traveled westward in
1842 were: David Stoner, his wife Elizabeth Ann (Deam) Stoner, their two
children John and Suzannah, John Cunningham, his new wife Susannah (Deam)
Cunningham, their first born Michael H.B. Cunningham, and George and Ellen
Deam. Also in the party were newly weds John Deam and Elizabeth (Hughes)
Deam, and David Hughes (brother to Elizabeth Hughes) and his wife. The
Stoner’s, Deam’s, Hughes, and the Cunningham’s totaled fourteen in all. Most
were following the calling of the Latter Day Saints and were heading for
Nauvoo, Illinois to join with prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.

Before I begin the story of the son, Michael H.B. Cunningham, I need to
describe the father, John Cunningham, and his pursuit of the American dream.
I will also detail the life of the brother-n-law, Henry H. Deam, because John
Cunningham’s life will become closely intertwined in Deam’s endeavors. John
Cunningham was born May 10, 1818 in Huntingdon County Pennsylvania, and after
three years worth of genealogical research the names of this parents have
eluded the authors/ancestors. John’s future wife, Susannah Deam, was born
March 14, 1822 in Bedford County Pennsylvania. Her parent’s were John Deam,
Sr. and Elizabeth Ayres. John Deam was a soldier in the Continental line in
the War of the Revolution, and his wife Elizabeth did faithful service as a
nurse in the military hospital at Valley Forge. John Cunningham was not able
to become a well-educated man, because of long years of work on his parent’s
farm. He was only able to make his mark by placing an X on a piece of paper,
but was very devoted to his God and family. This desire to obtain something
better for his family led him to take chances. Chances he would be willing
to take with his brother-n-law Henry H. Deam who had already found the ”
promised land”, in the state of Illinois, in a city called Nauvoo. Deam had
found a religion that promised salvation and a leader that would protect his
flock. When Henry Deam invited his wife and family to join him to share in
the freedoms he found, John Cunningham wanted the same for his family and
joined in the trek west.

John Cunningham probably became involved with the Latter Day Saints sometime
around 1836-1841 when he lived in Pennsylvania. A Latter Day Saint elder
came and held meetings near where they lived. John’s brother-n-law Henry H.
Deam and his wife Elizabeth Ettleman started attending regularly and where
baptized shortly after their marriage on September 22, 1836 (see bio written
by William H. Deam, son to Henry H. Deam, History of the Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Volume 3, Chapter 38, pgs 732-734).
Henry Harrison Deam was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1817
and his wife was born September 11, 1815. Henry at first opposed the Latter
Day Saints, while his wife defended them. She told him, “You will yet be a
Mormon preacher yourself.” Shortly after their marriage they both entered
the waters of baptism. He was ordained an elder and soon went west, leaving
his wife and two young children behind, to Illinois where he did missionary
work. Henry’s son William Deam said, “Going without purse or scrip and
leaving wife and young children in the care of God, my father left them
without any visible means of support, except faith in the Lord that He would
provide.” When one of the children complained that their mother was working
to hard without her husbands help, she said, “Your father is doing what is
right. Think how few there were when this work first started. I do not
regret it. My rest will be hereafter.” Later he was with the church in
Missouri and was ordained one of the seventies in Far West, Missouri in 1839.
The Quorum of Seventy is made up of selectmen who form “traveling quorums, to
go into all the earth, whithersoever the Twelve Apostles shall call them”
(see D. Michael Quinn, “The Evolution of the Presiding Quorums of the LDS
Church”, Journal of Mormon History 1 (1974): 34). This is reminiscent of
Moses and Christ appointing seventy men for ecclesiastical purposes.
The Saints had already been driven from their homes in Jackson County,
Missouri in the winter of 1833-1834. They were forced into Clay County where
they lived peacefully until June 1836 when the non-Mormon citizens also began
to view the huge influx as a threat to them politically and economically. In
December 1836 the legislature chartered Caldwell and Daviess counties as a ”
solution” to the Mormon problem. As an unwritten compact, the Mormons agreed
to limit their major settlements to Caldwell County and non-Mormon Caldwell
residents were encouraged to sell their properties and move to neighboring
counties. The failure of the Kirkland, Ohio economy in 1837 led to the
collapse of the community by the end of the year. This led to the flight of
700 families to Far West, Missouri including Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon
(Ohio spiritual leader of several groups and early convert). The families
settled in large numbers in surrounding counties. The “Gentile” residents
feared that soon the Mormons would dominate the economic and political life
of the whole area (The Church Through the Years, by Richard Howard was used
heavily for the background information in the next few pages).
Alienation between the Mormon and non-Mormons grew all through 1838 and
persecution against the Saints in Daviess, Carroll, and Caldwell counties of
northern Missouri increased. Attacks and counterattacks increased in fury
into October 1838. The Battle of Crooked River on October 25 and Haun’s Mill
Massacre on October 30 took the lives of many Saints including the deaths of
Apostle David Patten and Gideon Carter. Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs
called out the militia on October 27 and ordered General John Clark to “drive
the Mormons from Missouri”. General Lucas was placed in command of the state
militia and was approaching Far West, Missouri on October 31, 1838. Joseph
Smith and other Mormon leaders came out to talk to the approaching column of
militia. Instead of discussion they were taken into custody and General
Lucas conducted a court-martial on November 1 and sentenced the group to
death. General Lucas ordered General Alexander Doniphan to carry out the
order, but he refused. In mid-November Joseph Smith, Lyman Wight, Alexander
McRae and Sidney Ridgon were instead transferred to the jail at Liberty, Clay
County to await trial for treason, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, larceny
and perjury.

The militia continued to harass the LDS settlements in Caldwell and Daviess
counties. Through November and December 1838, members of the Council of
Twelve Apostles (“special witnesses” who were to preside over the church
where they were), together with other leaders, began to organize the Saints
for an exodus from Missouri. Henry Deam arrived in late 1838 from Illinois
where he was doing mission work, and suffered in their final tribulations
before the Saints’ were forced to leave Missouri. Elder Deam was made a
member of the churches seventies in 1839 and helped the transfer of families
north. From January through most of March 1839, the exodus took them north
into Illinois. They found temporary haven around Quincy, Illinois. The
Saints came from Missouri 5,000 strong. Joseph Smith and the other
imprisoned leaders escaped their captives in April. Smith made his way to
Quincy, Illinois on April 22, 1839 and went right to work organizing. Large
tracks of land were purchased in Commerce, Illinois, using twenty-year loans
and were subdivided into blocks and lots. By selling the lots Smith hoped to
retire the debt and enable orderly settlement. Smith renamed Commerce to
Nauvoo in April 1840, which he explained meant “Beautiful Place” in Hebrew.
The land lay in a swampy area and an epidemic of malaria would take many
lives those first three summers (1839 – 1841). The Nauvoo city charter
granted by the Illinois legislature in December 1840 allowed Nauvoo to become
almost a sovereign political realm. Joseph Smith became the Chief Magistrate
of the city’s municipal court and mayor in the spring of 1842.
By 1842 the Nauvoo settlement was becoming stabilized and developed, so Henry
Deam sent for his family back in Pennsylvania. This brought the wagon train
west bearing the Deam, Cunningham, and Hughes families to the settlements
being established in and around Nauvoo, Illinois. The Cunningham family
first settled near Lima, Adams County, Illinois or two and half miles north
over the border into Hancock County in the little town of Yelrome (called
Morley Settlement by the Mormons) with the Stoner’s, and Ettleman’s in 1842.
The Deam’s settled further north in Nauvoo. After a year of peaceful
co-existence, the “promised land” was being tarnished by the growing hatred
of the non-believers. Again, the non-Mormon population became threatened by
their prospering neighbors and began lashing out violently. John Cunningham
and family were right in the middle of this anti-Mormon movement. By June of
1844, the Morley settlement was under attack and would soon be destroyed.
An affidavit written by John Cunningham and Hiram Mount that appeared in Smith
‘s History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Vol. 6, p. 509
shows just how dangerous these times were. They testified that on Saturday,
15 June 1844, five men came to them at Morley Settlement, Adams County,
Illinois, and “demanded their arms.” When it was revealed that the Mormon’s
had none, the men required of them to make a choice. Either they must bear
arms that the men would supply and go up to Nauvoo to take Joseph Smith or
they must evacuate their homes at Morley Settlement and go join in Smith’s ”
fate”. The mob planned to draw upon two thousand men from Missouri and
Illinois and kill any men, women, and children who would not align against
Smith. Joseph Smith, the president and prophet of the Mormons “fate” was
sealed; he was killed June 27, 1844 by a mob in the prison he was being held.
The Morley settlement was burnt to the ground and the Cunningham’s and other
Mormon’s in Adam’s county were forced to escape further north to the city of
Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois. As before, they were safe for a while and
protected by the Nauvoo Legion (Mormon militia). The Cunningham’s continued
to live outside of Nauvoo, and for the next three and half years were
farmers. John Cunningham stayed active in the Church of Later Day Saints,
becoming a seventy when he was endowed in the Nauvoo Temple on February 2,
1846. He would later play a pivotal role in the foundation of the Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church (RLDS).

It was required by state law for Illinois counties to maintain a military
unit as part of the state militia. The Nauvoo charter provided the city a
militia largely independent from the statewide system. The “Nauvoo Legion”
commanded by Lieutenant General Joseph Smith would have 4,000 uniformed men,
between the ages of 18 and 45, by 1844. The Legion provided colorful social
events in Nauvoo with its weekly parade. In 1844 Joseph Smith would ordain
Henry Deam a high priest. In March 1844 Joseph Smith created a secret
council that became known as the Council of Fifty. One purpose of the
council was to petition the U.S. Congress for recovery of the Saints’ losses
through the many persecutions. They also looked into alternative settlement
sites for the Saints. They knew the “Gentile” citizens would react strongly
to a political kingdom on earth headed by Joseph Smith, so the council would
work behind the scenes.

By the spring of 1844, Joseph Smith was showing serious interest in becoming
a candidate for the United States presidency. The church paper showed the
earnestness of Joseph’s candidacy. Earlier in 1844, the secret reality of
polygamy in the upper levels of the church leadership became public knowledge
(pages 293-295, The Church Through the Years, by Richard Howard). The outcry
was swift and sustained. Illinois newspapers editorialized and satirized on
the theme. In early spring 1844 disaffected members united under William Law
to try to reverse the direction the church leaders were taking. Law resigned
earlier from the church’s First Presidency over the polygamy issue and other
points of difference. In May 1844 Law’s group issued notice of publishing
the Nauvoo Expositor to expose the wrongs of church leaders. It’s first and
only issue appeared on June 7, 1844, accusing Joseph Smith and church leaders
of setting up a royal government and held Smith responsible for introducing
the plural marriage doctrine into the church. At the strong urging of Mayor
Joseph Smith, the city council ordered the destruction of the rebel press.
The city marshal and its forces executed the order and destroyed the press on
June 10, 1844.

Seventeen days later, on June 27, 1844, Joseph and his brother Hyrum Smith
would be killed by a mob at the Carthage, Illinois, jail. They were being
held there awaiting a hearing on charges of riot for their part in crushing
the Expositor. Thousands of mourners in a solemn procession viewed the
bodies of the slain leaders at the Mansion House (Smith’s home in Nauvoo).
After the death of LDS president Joseph Smith in June 1844, church members
differed on who should lead the church. The Illinois state legislature
revoked Nauvoo’s charter on January 24, 1845 and did not provide them with an
alternative plan of governance. Joseph Smith had suggested various
possibilities for prophetic succession over the past ten years and even
designated his eldest son Joseph III as his successor, but being only 11 at
the time of his father’s death he was not a viable candidate. Under these
conditions, the Council of Twelve, under the leadership of Brigham Young,
directed the church and did their best to preserve community order. They
doubled their efforts to complete the Temple, which was sanctioned in
Doctrine and Covenants 107:10f-11s. It proclaimed,” I command you, all ye my
Saints, to build a house unto me: and I grant unto you a sufficient time to
build a house
unto me, and during this time your baptisms shall be acceptable unto me.
But, behold, at the end of this appointment, your baptisms for the dead shall
not be acceptable unto me; and if you do not these things at the end of the
appointment, ye shall be rejected as a church with your dead, saith the Lord
your God.” Before they could do anything, stay and fight or flee again, they
had to finish the temple.
After the martyrdom of Joseph Smith in Carthage, Illinois, Henry Deam would
join with James Strang and move to Potosi, Wisconsin to do mission work on
his behalf. Strang produced a letter that he claimed was written by Joseph
Smith, which declared that James Strang would become the successor of Joseph
Smith and leader of the church in case of his death. Deam would become
treasurer of his own branch of Saints in Potosi, Wisconsin in 1848. He would
then become a leading member in the Wisconsin Yellowstone Branch of Saints’
around Blanchardville, Wisconsin when he moved there in 1850. He became
disillusioned with James Strang when it was learned that Strang also
practiced polygamy. By 1851, the Yellowstone group of Saints would be in the
lead of the formation of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints.
About 5,000 Saints were able to receive their temple endowments during the
months prior to the decided departure westward (Utah movement). John and
Susan Cunningham received their washing and anointing and endowments in the
Temple on February 2, 1846. Henry and Elizabeth Deam received their
endowments in the Temple on December 22, 1845. Mormon leaders dedicated the
Temple on April 30 and May 1, 1846. The Temple was not completed fully, but
merely sufficiently completed to allow them to flee Nauvoo. Two thirds of
all Mormons decided to follow Brigham Young to Utah to establish a new church
under his leadership. Brigham Young left Nauvoo on February 15, 1846, but he
continued to control what went on in the Temple. Some went with Moses Smith
to Voree, Wisconsin and later migrated to Michigan with James Strang. Others
followed Lyman Wight and George Miller to Texas. Many stayed in the area
including the Cunningham’s and Deam’s who moved to Potosi, Wisconsin and
worked with Benjamin G. Wright who was ordained a high priest under James
Strang in 1846 and was appointed president over the western district of
Wisconsin in Voree in 1847.
The Cunningham’s continued with their faith even after the death of Joseph
Smith. The times were still quite dangerous. Henry H. Deam at first
supported James Strang. He showed this support by writing to Benjamin Wright
(a Stangite) saying, “I long to be in Voree, and be heart and hand with you.
The saints all send their love to you, as also to our beloved prophet”. This
letter was written March 3, 1848 from Potosi, Wisconsin, and published in
Gospel Herald, volume 2, on page 259. John Cunningham did not have any
direct association with James Strang, unless it was through his brother-n-law
Henry Deam. John Cunningham would later become known as a Josephite (a
belief that Joseph Smith, III would come forward to take his fathers place)
when he was persuaded to join with the Reorganizer’s in May 1852 by Brother
David Powell who was spreading the word for Jason Briggs who had a revelation
that the seed of Joseph Smith, Jr. would come forth to lead the Saints.
The Nauvoo Temple was abandoned before it could be completely finished in
1846 due to growing opposition from neighboring settlers and the plan
migration of Brigham Young westward. The Cunningham and Deam families
decided not to follow Brigham Young during this exodus and moved to Grant
County, Wisconsin to the Mormon lead mines. Michael Cunningham worked along
side his father in the mines. Henry Deam decided to follow the teachings of
James Strang and did missionary work in Potosi on his behalf. He was one of
sixteen Saints who established a church in Potosi. He became the church
treasurer in 1848. John Cunningham moved his family to Potosi and took a job
as a lead smelter. They would live in the Potosi area for the next five
years. The June 1846 Grant County Census showed John Cunningham with 25
members in his household. Most probably fellow Mormons forced to leave
Nauvoo, Illinois. He later went to Wingville (present day Montfort) in 1851
where he worked for eighteen months.
Many Illinois Mormons came north to the Mormon Potosi diggings to acquire
capital. The Potosi lead mines, also known as Snake Hollow, was a
significant Mormon preaching ground, by at least 1841. Jason Briggs, who
became the interim president of the Reorganized LDS in 1853, also got his
Mormon initiation in Potosi. He united with the church in Potosi on June 6,
1841. He was ordained an elder in 1842 and worked in the church consistently
in the Beloit, Wisconsin area from 1842 to the mid-1850s. He established
branches of the church at Waukesha and Beloit, presiding over the latter for
several years. Briggs and his Beloit Branch remained tied to the church led
by Brigham Young and the Council of Twelve until about two years after the
death of Joseph Smith. They then cast their lot with the James Strang
faction, which Briggs served as an active minister until early 1850. He
would leave Strang in 1850 over his autocratic leadership style and his
support of polygamy. He then supported William Smith’s group (younger
brother of Joseph Smith), which supported lineal successorship (a son of
Joseph would lead) in church presidency. Briggs confidence in him faded
after a year, because on October 6, 1851 Smith declared sole rights of
prophetic successorship and he publicly opted for polygamy.
On February 7, 1848, Samuel Blair and Henry Deam reported preaching to crowds
of visitors in their Potosi branch, and having a shortage of hymnbooks (see
Voree Gospel Herald, February 8, 1848). This group would later join up with
the Yellowstone Branch in creating the Reorganized LDS in 1852, which was led
by Zenos Gurley. John Cunningham met Zenos Gurley while he was preaching at
Wingville and united with him in his Yellowstone branch (The Messenger, vol.
2, p. 17). Cunningham moved his family in 1853 to what is present day
Blanchardville, Wisconsin, but was called Zarahemla (“city of God”) by the
Saints. John Cunningham would buy forty acres of farming land and became
very active in the church.
Zenos Gurley was one of the most prominent leaders of the Reorganized LDS.
Gurley heard James Blakeslee preach near Ontario, Canada in 1837 and was very
impressed. The preaching was so much like John the Baptist that Gurley asked
to be baptized by Blakeslee (description of Zenos Gurley is given by his son
Gurley in Church History, Volume 3, Chapter 38, pages 742-745). In 1838 he
Ontario with a team and traveled to Missouri, arriving at Far West just in
time to be driven out. They took refuge in Illinois, settling in Commerce,
afterwards known as Nauvoo. In June 1838 James Blakeslee named Gurley an
elder. While at Far West he was ordained to the office of seventy. Gurley
was called to go do mission work. At the April 1841 General Conference held
in Nauvoo Gurley was appointed as one of eight to travel and collect means
for building the Nauvoo Temple. After the death of Joseph Smith in 1846
Gurley investigated the claims of the various leaders, and finally accepted
those of J.J. Strang as being the most reasonable. Gurley returned to Canada
to do mission work on behalf of Strang. At the June 1850 conference held at
Voree, Wisconsin “Gurley was sent to the northeastern parts of Wisconsin, on
the presentation of President Strang” (see conference minutes). It was
probably while on this mission that Gurley raised up the Yellowstone branch.
Elder Zenos Gurley was visiting the Fretwell family near present day
Blanchardville in 1850 and administered a funeral for the Wildermuth’s who
had two children die earlier. He was convinced to stay and he soon converted
and baptized the Wildermuth’s into the Mormon faith in the nearby Yellowstone
River. Neighboring families, the Newkirk’s and Cline’s (family friends and
blood relatives) joined them in the faith. They named the area Zarahemla
that means “City of God”. By the winter of 1851-52, Gurley had succeeded in
building up a congregation of 24 members including Henry and Elizabeth Deam.
Other area Mormon groups knew this group as the Yellowstone Branch. They
were Strangites (followers of James Strang) until Gurley received a letter
from Jason Briggs. The Cunningham, Deam, and hundreds of other families
lives would change forever over what the letter revealed.
A representative of Jason Briggs delivered the letter. The letter laid out a
revelation that Jason Briggs received from God and showed evidence that
William Smith and Strang supported polygamy. Briggs was disillusioned after
the October 6th meeting where he heard William Smith declare himself leader
and his support of polygamy. He stood on his farmland near Beloit November
18, 1851 pondering the future when he received the following revelation, “…
let the elders whom I have ordained by the hand of my servant Joseph, or by
the hand of those ordained by him, resist not his authority, nor faint in the
discharge of duty, which is to preach my gospel as revealed in the record of
the Jews, the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants; and cry
repentance and remission of sins through obedience to the gospel, and I will
sustain them, and give them my Spirit; and in mine own due time will I call
upon the seed of Joseph Smith, and he shall preside over the high priesthood
of my Church, and then shall the quorums assemble, and the pure in heart
shall gather, and Zion shall be re-inhabited. …Write the revelation and send
it unto the Saints, and whomsoever will humble themselves before me, and ask
of me, shall receive of my Spirit a testimony that these words are of me.”
Henry H. Deam was an influential member of the Yellowstone Branch. He heard
of Jason Briggs revelation and his declarations against James Strang, Brigham
Young accusing them of supporting polygamy. He wrote a letter of inquiry
asking for more information. Jason Briggs decided to send Brother David
Powell to the Yellowstone Branch. Here is what was reported back to Jason
Briggs: (see The True Latter Day Saints’ Herald, Volume 2, January, 1876) ”
When I found Brother Deam, he did not fight your letter or revelation, as he
was evidently tired of Strang’s rule. We counseled on what was the best way
to save Brother Gurley and the branch he presided over from the evils of
Strangism. Knowing he had great influence in the branch, we thought proper
to labor with him privately, and on February 23, 1852 we went to see him and
laid the matter before him as plain as we could; but he could not see it as
we did. We went to work digging (Gurley worked with Br. Newkirk in mining)
close by, and saw him almost every day for two weeks; still he did not yield
the point. At length I became impatient, and went to Br. Gurley and told him
if he did not go to preaching and expose Strangism, I will do it. His reply
was, ‘if you do, I will give you an all-to-pieces whipping.’ I said, ‘My
shoulders are broad and I had rather take your whipping than go away and not
warn the people.’ Gurley promised to get his Doctrine and Covenants and pray
on the subject.”
Br. Powell agreed to wait for his answer. Powell said, “On this condition I
left Gurley and went to Wingville, where he found Br. John Cunningham. And
from there to Potosi and British Hollow, in Grant County, where I found Br.
Samuel Blair, and Br. Ethan Griffith. The result was, they all came into the
Reorganized LDS Church; and I returned to Yellowstone about the first of June
(1852). Br. Gurley received confirmation of your revelation and turned the
whole branch. He did not lose a member and there was great rejoicing in the
branch, to think that God was going to call upon one of the seed of Joseph
Smith.” Br. Gurley wrote to Jason Briggs saying, “We have received evidence
of your revelation”. According to Gurley, during a group prayer meeting the
Holy Spirit declared, “The successor of Joseph Smith is Joseph Smith, the son
of Joseph Smith the Prophet. It is his right by lineage, saith the Lord your
Members of the Yellowstone Branch published a declaration in the Mineral
Point Tribune declaring that the Yellowstone Branch of the Church of the
Latter Day Saints protested against the practice of polygamy and other
abominations that were practiced by Strang, Brigham Young and their
followers. They withdrew their fellowship with their groups. David
Wildermuth, Cyrus Newkirk, William Cline, and Henry H. Deam signed this
published document (see The Story of the Church, by Inez Smith Davis, pg
The Cunningham family later became intertwined with these other early
pioneer families. For example, the youngest daughter of William and
Elizabeth (Wildermuth) Cline married John Cunningham’s oldest son Michael
Cunningham on March 26, 1865. Her name was Hannah Cline. John and Susan
Cunningham’s relationship with the Cline’s is long and friendly. They even
named one of their son’s William Monroe Cline Cunningham when he was born in
Blanchardville on January 3, 1854. Michael’s second wife was the cousin of
his first wife. Her name was Laura Luella (Newkirk) Lieurance and they
married on April 14, 1878. Her parents were Noble and Elizabeth Jane
(Newkirk) Lieurance. The daughter of Samuel and Celia Gates Cline,
Charlotte, married Michael’s brother, Henry H. Cunningham, on May 23, 1880.
Gurley had a vision (confirming Jason Briggs revelation) in which he was told
to leave the teachings of Prophet Strang and support the son of slain leader
Joseph Smith, Jr. Jason Briggs sent a call for a meeting and the different
branches settled to meet in conference on the 12th of June 1852 at the Newark
Branch, in the town of Beloit, Wisconsin. A general survey of the condition
of things relative to the Church, and the numerous false shepherds that had
arisen were discussed. Zenus Gurley, S.H Briggs, A. White, David Powell and
Jason Briggs addressed the conference. Eight resolutions were offered, and
unanimously adopted. The resolutions rejected the assumption of power by
Brigham Young, James Strang, James Brewster, and William Smith and set down
that the seed of Joseph Smith will lead the Church. At the close of the
conference they adjourned and voted to meet again at the Yellowstone Branch
of the Church, in Lafayette County, Wisconsin, on the 6th of October.
The group had their first General Conference of the Reorganized Church of the
Latter Day Saints at the Newkirk’s gristmill (in present day Blanchardville)
on October 6, 1852. Elder Briggs presided over the conference. They
discussed ways of encouraging the younger Smith to take his “rightful”
place. They presented and voted on a resolution for a temporary presiding
officer. “Resolved, the one holding the highest priesthood in the Church is
to preside, and represent the rightful heir to the presidency of the high
priesthood, in a presiding capacity.”-Church Record, page 7. Much discussion
was made on “who” was the “highest” amongst them. The bands renounced all
would-be leaders, and were waiting in confidence for promised light and
wisdom. Two representatives were sent to meet with Joseph Smith, III in
Nauvoo to present a letter from Jason Briggs encouraging him to take his
rightful place as leader of the church. Joseph Smith, III refused to come
forward to lead the church, because he did not receive any revelation that
this was his future. He would not receive confirmation of his destiny until
On March 20, 1853 a group of elders came together to pray and fast for
instructions from God on “who” should be the presiding president of the
church. Henry H. Deam received the following revelation: (see The true
Latter Day Saints’ Herald, Volume 2, April, 1876)”Verily, thus saith the
Lord, as I said unto my servant Moses, see thou do all things according to
the pattern, so say I unto you. Behold the pattern is before you. It is my
will that you respect authority in my church; therefore let the greatest
among you preside at your conference. Let three men be appointed by the
conference to select seven men from among you, who shall compose a majority
of the twelve apostles; for it is my will that that quorum should not be
filled up at the present. Let the president of the conference, assisted by
two others, ordain them, (the senior of them shall preside); let them select
twelve men from among you and ordain them to compose my high council.
Behold, ye understand the order of the Bishopric, the Seventy, the Elders,
the Priests, Teachers and Deacons. These organize according to the pattern.
Behold I will be with you unto the end. Even so. Amen.”
The new Reorganized Church of LDS again met on the 6th of April 1853 where
the group planned to completely cut t
> ________
> My husband, Alfred Morley, was a disciple and one of the Mormon leaders,
and lived across the road from our house. I have heard many Mormons who
attended the dedication, or endowment of the Temple, say that very many
became drunk. Jo Smith and Hyrum vomited in the pulpit, others vomited in the
pews. The Mormon leaders would stand up to prophesy and were so drunk they
said they could not get it out, and would call for another drink. Over a
barrel of liquor was used at the service. Fannie Brewer and her sister, old
maids from Boston, furnished money to build a three story house; they called
it the Boston House. Jo Smith claimed he had a revelation to start a bank,
and that all the brethren must pay in all their money, which many did. They
were promised payment when the Mormon money was issued. They were not paid
until all the specie was gone or the bills were worthless. A Cleveland man
told Jo Smith he would help circulate his money. He borrowed a large amount
on his note and soon after sent men to the bank with a few hundred each, who
drew the specie. Jacob Bump told my husband Jo had boxes two-thirds full of
lead with some specie on the top. He had Mr. Mygatt, who was in the
Painesville bank, and another man call and inspect the bank. They reported it
all right and able to redeem its bills. The bank was shirt-lived. Jo’s
brother Bill, Leonard Rich, Julius Granger, Amasa Bonney, and his
brother-in-law, Mr. Booth, would know of Mormons moving to Kirtland from the
East and would intercept them and say they were going East, and induce them
to exchange their Eastern money for Mormon money, which they could use in
Kirtland. Many were swindled by them. I heard Bump say Jo Smith would remove
the boxes of lead to his house in the night and return them to the bank in
the day time, and say to the persons who were present, “See how the money
comes in.” Jo Smith and other Mormon leaders went East and bought a large
amount of merchandise and sold it to Jacob Bump. The Eastern merchants were
unable to collect their claims.
My neighbor, Elijah Smith, sold his farm to the Mormons. Jo Smith announced
in the Sunday morning service in the Temple that $2,000 must be paid early
Monday morning in hard money. He said the brethren must bring all their
specie to the afternoon service. Amos Perry, who had recently arrived, took
$700, silver dollars, in a bag on his shoulders, but it never was repaid to
him. I know many others who paid smaller sums, and said they only received a
writing showing how much they had paid. They also were never repaid. Mr.
Smith did not expect to be paid in silver, and he had my husband and Champion
Morley, his son-in-law, accompany him to Rocky River to pay the sum on
another farm. He feared being robbed. Jacob Bump told Mr. Morley Elijah Smith
would have been followed if he had not had two men with him. The Mormon
leaders swindled their followers in every way imaginable. Many left them
after being swindled.
[Signed] Mrs. ALFRED MORLEY.
Witnessed by:
AGNES L. MORLEY (Daughter),
Kirtland, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1885.
Morley, Isaac, first counselor to Bishop Edward Partridge from 1831 to 1840,
was the son of Thos. E. Morley, and was born March 11, 1786, at Montague,
Hampshire county, Mass. He was an early settler in the so-called Western
Reserve, being one of the men that cut down the woods and introduced
agriculture in northern Ohio. He served his country in the war with Great
Britain in 1812-15, and also held the position of captain in the Ohio
militia. In June, 1812, he married Lucy Gunn in Massachusetts. When Oliver
Cowdery and missionary companions passed through Ohio in the latter part of
1830, Isaac Morley was among the first converts. At that time he was the
owner of a good farm and considerable property, which he devoted to the
establishment of the latter-day work. He was ordained a High Priest June 3,
1831, by Lyman Wight, and on the same day set apart as a counselor to Bishop
Edward Partridge. This office he filled until the demise of Bishop Partridge
in 1840. In June, 1831, he was also appointed by revelation to travel to
Missouri in company with Ezra Booth, preaching by the way. (Doc. and Cov.,
52:23.) During the month of July, 1833, and while in their heated frenzy, the
Jackson county mob had demolished or razed to the ground the printing office
and dwelling house of Wm. W. Phelps & Co., at Independence, and tarred and
feathered Bishop Edward Partridge, Iscaac Morley and five others stepped
forward and offered themselves as a ransom for their brethren, willing to be
scourged or die, if that would appease the anger of the mobocrats, who on
that occasion were gathered together to the number of five hundred men, armed
with rifles, dirks, pistols, clubs and whips. In 1835, Elder Morley visited
the Eastern States on a mission, in company with Bishop Partridge. On their
return to Kirtland, in November, Joseph the Prophet wrote: The word of the
Lord came to me, saying: “Behold I am well pleased with my servant Isaac
Morley and my servant Edward Partridge, because of the integrity of their
hearts in laboring in my vineyard, for the salvation of the souls of men.” He
attended the dedication of the Kirtland Temple in March, 1836, and received
his blessings in the same, after which he returned to Missouri and helped to
locate the city of Far West, where he settled his family. At a general
assembly of the Church held Nov. 7, 1837, he was chosen Patriarch of Far
West, and ordained to that office under the hands of Joseph Smith, Sidney
Rigdon and Hyrum Smith. He remained at Far West until the arrival of General
John Clark and army with the exterminating order of Governor Lilburn W.
Boggs, and was one of the fifty-six citizens taken by the military and
marched to Richmond, Ray county, to await trial; he was turned over to the
civil authorities at [p.236] that place, where he, after the famous
mock-trial, together with others, was discharged by Judge Austin A. King,
Nov. 24, 1838. Upon the final expulsion of the Saints from Missouri, he
located in Illinois, near Lima, Hancock county; the settlement made by him
and others was named Yelrome. Here he began to gather round him the comforts
of life by his industry, being engaged principally in the coopering business.
In the fall of 1845 his houses, cooper’s shop, property and grain were burned
by a mob, and he was driven from the ashes by his hard-earned home to Nauvoo,
where he remained until the expulsion of the Saints from Illinois. He removed
to Winter Quarters, where he buried his wife, and emigrated to Great Salt
Lake valley in 1848. In the fall of 1849 he took charge of the company which
settled Sanpete valley. The winter which followed was very severe, and
notwithstanding the supplies of the settlers were barely sufficient to
subsist upon, the Indians were not allowed to starve; some of the settlers
had to shovel the snow from the grass that their animals might have something
to eat. These things nearly disheartened most of the settlers, yet “Father
Morley,” as he was familiarly called, was never discouraged, but exhorted his
brethren to diligence, faithfulness and good works, and encouraged them by
telling them that it would be one of the best settlements in the mountains.
He lived to see Sanpete valley dotted with thriving villages and termed the
granary of Utah. Elder Morley served as a senator in the general assembly of
the provisional State of Deseret. In 1851 he held a seat in the legislative
council of Utah Territory, as a councilor from Sanpete county, to which
office he was re-elected in 1853 and 1855. During the last ten years of his
life he devoted himself exclusively to the duties of his calling as a
Patriarch, conferring blessings upon thousands of the Saints. He died at
Fairview, Sanpete county, Utah, June 24, 1865. Isaac Morley was of a kind and
gentle disposition, unassuming in his manner; and his public preaching and
that of his fellow-laborer, Bishop Partridge, was spoken of by the Prophet
Joseph, in the following characteristic terms: “Their discourses were all
adapted to the times in which we live and the circumstances under which we
are placed. Their words are words of wisdom, like apples of gold in pictures
of silver, spoken in the simple accents of a child, yet sublime as the voice
of an angel.” (See also “Deseret News” (weekly), Vol. 14, p. 313.) Bishop
Morley was the son of Thos. G. Morley and Edith Marsh. His first wife died
Jan. 3, 1848, in Omaha, Neb., and shortly after his arrival in G. S. L.
Valley he married another wife (Hannah). By these two wives he became the
father of ten children. Bro. Morley supervised the building of the first
school house and the first grist mill in Sanpete Valley. He also made the
first table and ploughed the first furrow in Sanpete county.
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 1, page 236, Vol. 2, p.784

I resided in Kirtland all the time the Mormons were there. They claimed to
receive revelations from Heaven on my husband’s farm, which with other farms
adjoining, they bargained for and built upon them a large number of small
wooden residences. When they went to Missouri, my husband regained possession
of his farm, with the buildings they had erected, including the one that
Brigham Young had occupied, they not completing the payments according to
My father, Rev. E. A. Ward, a Methodist Minister, attended the funeral of
Elder Warner Goodell, pastor of the Baptist Church in Mentor, in August,
1826. Sidney Rigdon preached the sermon. Father said he was greatly surprised
at many strange and mysterious expressions in the sermon, conveying ideas
wholly unwarrented by the Bible. Rigdon resided in Pittsburgh three years,
and claimed he spent the time studying the Bible. Soon after he left
Pittsburgh he preached doctrines that afterwards appeared in the “Book of
The Mentor Baptist Church, composed of well-to-do farmers and some of the
Kirtland Baptists, invited Rigdon to become their pastor. He accepted,
removing from Bainbridge, Ohio. The Mormons announced that on a certain day,
at the house of my husband’s uncle, Isaac Morley, they would raise the dead.
Joseph, the prophet, made protracted efforts to restore to consciousness a
child to whom they had administered a soporific, but the scheme failed
because they had given an overdose, and the child died.
One day I found Jo Smith driving some of my chickens from my yard into his.
He claimed he had received authority from Heaven to appropriate to himself or
the church any property he needed. Not believing in his divine right, I
suddenly stopped the proceeding. Mr. Hanson, my husband, was Justice of the
Peace and Postmaster at Kirtland Flats. Persistent application was made to
the Government for the appointment of a Mormon as Postmaster. They failed in
this, and he was waylaid and shot at twice when returning home at night.
[Signed] MRS. S. W. HANSON.
Witnessed by:
Columbus, O., Feb. 23, 1885.
________All persons who are interested in reading this paper, will certainly
want No. 1, which can be obtained through any news dealer for 5 cents. Terms,
50 cents per year in advance.

VOL. VI No. 13] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL., JULY 15, 1845 [WHOLE NO. 121.
December 19th. William Pratt and David Patten took their journey to the land
of Zion, for the purpose of bearing dispatches to the brethren in that place,
from Kirtland. O may God grant it a blessing for Zion, as a kind angel from
heaven: Amen.
The following circular was published in the “Star” by
Dear Brethren in Christ, and companions in tribulation;
It seemeth good unto us, to drop a few lines to you, giving you some
instruction relative to conducting the affairs of the kingdom of God, which
has been committed unto us in these latter times, by the will and testament
of our Mediator, whose intercessions in our behalf, are lodged in the bosom
of the Eternal Father, and ere long will burst with blessings upon the heads
of all the faithful:
We have all been children, and are too much so at the present time; but we
hope in the Lord that we may grow in grace and be prepared for all things
which the bosom of futurity may disclose unto us. Time is rapidly rolling on,
and the prophecies must be fulfilled. The days of tribulation are fast
approaching, and the time to test the fidelity of the saints, has come. Rumor
with her ten thousand tongues is diffusing her uncertain sounds in almost
every ear: but in these times of sore trial, let the saints be patient and
see the salvation of God. Those who cannot endure persecution and stand in
the day of affliction, cannot stand in the day when the Son of God shall
burst the veil, and appear in all the glory of his Father with the holy
On the subject of ordination, a few words are necessary: In many instances
there has been too much haste in this thing, and the admonition of Paul has
been too slightingly passed over, which says, “Lay hands suddenly upon no
man.” Some have been ordained to the ministry, and have never acted in that
capacity, or magnified their calling at all: Such may expect to lose their
calling, except they awake and magnify their office. Let the elders abroad be
exceedingly careful upon this subject, and when they ordain a man to the holy
ministry, let it be a faithful man, who is able to teach others also; that
the cause of Christ suffer not. It is not the multitude of preachers that is
to bring about the glorious millennium! but it is those who are “called and
chosen, and faithful.”
Let the elders be exceedingly careful about unnecessarily disturbing and
harrowing up the feelings of the people. Remember, that your business is, to
preach the gospel in all humility and meekness, and warn sinners to repent
and come to Christ. Avoid contentions and vain disputes with men of corrupt
minds, who do dot [not] desire to know the truth. Remember that “it is a day
of warning and not a day of many words.” If they receive not your testimony
in one place, flee to another, remembering, to cast no reflections, nor throw
out any bitter sayings. If you do your duty, it will be just as well with
you, as though all men embraced the gospel.
Be careful about sending boys to preach the gospel to the world; if they go,
let them be accompanied by some one who is able to guide them in the proper
channel, lest they become puffed up, and fall under condemnation and into the
snare of the devil: finally, in these critical times, be careful; call on the
Lord day and night. Beware of false brethren, who will creep in among you to
spy out your liberties, &c. Awake to righteousness and sin not; let your
light shine, and show yourselves workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth. Apply yourselves diligently to study, that your
minds may be stored with all necessary information.
We remain your brethren in Christ, anxiously praying for the day of
redemption to come, when iniquity shall be swept from the earth; and
everlasting righteousness brought in.-Farewell.”
On Monday night the 24th of December, four aged families, living near the
village of Independence, whose penury and infirmities, incident to old age,
forbade a speedy removal, were driven from their houses, by a party of the
mob, who tore down their chimneys, broke in their doors and windows, and
hurled large rocks into their houses, by which the life of old Mr. Miller, in
particular, was greatly endangered.-Mr. Miller is aged sixty-five years
being, the youngest man in the four families. Some of these men have toiled
and bled in the defence [defense] of their country: and old Mr. Jones, one of
the sufferers, served as life guard to General Geo. Washington, in the
revolution. Well may the soldier of Seventy Six, contemplate with horror, the
scenes which surround him at this day
(page 960)

in Jackson county, where liberty, law, and equal rights, are trodden under
foot. It is now apparent, that no man embracing the faith of this people,
whatever be his age or former standing in society, may hope to escape the
wrath of the Jackson county mob, whenever it is in their power to inflict
A court of enquiry [inquiry] was held at Liberty Clay county, Missouri, the
latter part of this month, to enquire [inquire] into the conduct of Colonel
Pitcher, for driving the saints, or Mormons from Jackson county, which
resulted in his arrest for further trial by a court martial.
December 26. James Blanchard, and Alonzo Rider, were cut off from the church
by a council of elders in Kirtland, for repeated transgressions, and
promising to reform, and never fulfilling. Nelson Acre was also cut off, on
account of his absenting himself from the meetings, and saying that he wanted
no more of the church, and that he desired to be cut off, &c. None of these
being present, the council notified them of their exclusion by letters-This
evening a bishop’s court was called to investigate the case of Elder Ezekiel
Rider, who had said many hard things against Bishop Whitney: that Brother
Whitney was not fit for a bishop, and that he treated the brethren who came
into the store with disrespect, that he was overbearing, and fain would walk
on the necks of the brethren ,&c. Brother Story was also in a similar
transgression. I rebuked them sharply, and told them that the church must
feel the wrath of God, except they repent of their sins, and cast away their
murmurings and complainings one of another, &c., &c. Elder Rigdon also
lectured them on the same principles. Brother Rider and Story confessed their
wrongs and all forgave one another.
December 27th. A bishop’s court was called to investigate complaints made
against Brothers Elliott, Haggart and Babbit, and their wives, and Jenkins
Salisbury, all of whom were present, but the accusers not being present the
court adjourned, sine die.
The mob sold the materials, or rather gave “Davis and Kelley” leave to take
the Evening and Morning Star establishment, to Liberty, Clay county, where
they commenced the publication of the “The Missouri Enquirer” a weekly paper.
They also paid our lawyers, employed as counsel against the mob, three
hundred dollars, on the one thousand dollar note, on agreement: a small
amount towards an establishment, which with the book work and furniture, had
cost some three or four thousand dollars.
From the very features of the celebrated mob circular, previously inserted,
it will be seen that they meditated a most daring infraction of the
constitution of our country, that they might gratify a spirit of persecution
against an innocent people. To whom shall blame be attached in this tragedy,
when they in July last, boldly made known their determination to drive the
Mormons from Jackson county, “peacibly [peaceably] if they could, forcibly if
they must,” openly declaring, that “the arm of the civil law did not afford
them a sufficient guarantee against the increasing evils of this religious
sect;” and in their circular they further say, “we deem it expedient, and of
the highest importance, to form ourselves into a company for the better and
easier accomplishment of our purposes,” and conclude with these high toned
words: “we therefore agree, that after timely warning; and upon receiving an
adequate compensation for what little property they cannot take with them,
they refuse to leave us in peace as they found us, we agree to use such means
as my be sufficient to remove them; and to this end, we each pledge to each
other, our lives, our bodily powers, fortunes, and sacred honors?”
In answer to their bold and daring resolves to guard against anticipated
evils. I give the following extract from the Governor’s letter in relation to
this affair, dated, Oct. 19th, 1833. “No citizen, or number of citizens, has
a right to take the redress of their grievances, whether real or imaginary,
into their own hands: such conduct strikes at the very existence of society,
and subverts the foundation on which it is based.”
I ask again, to whom shall blame be attached in this tragedy? When the mob
previously and publicly declared their intentions; and the principles
involved were understood by the executive, as appears by the foregoing; and
also by the judiciary, according to Judge Ryland’s letter; and the
constitution of the land, guarantees equal rights and privileges to all, to
whom should blame be attached, but Jackson county mobbers and Missouri?
December 31st. Wilford Woodruff, was baptised [baptized] at Richland, Oswego
county, New York, by Elder Zerah Pulsipher.
1834. The scattered saints in Missouri commenced the year, eighteen hundred
and thirty four, with a conference, which they held in Clay county, on the
first day of January, at which Bishop Partridge presided. After transacting
much business relative to comforting and strengthening the scattered members
of the church, it was
Resolved, That Lyman Wight and Parley P. Pratt be sent as special messengers,
to represent the situation of the scattered brethren in Missouri
(page 961)

to the presidency and church in Kirtland and ask their advice, &c.
On the evening of the 2nd of January, a bishop’s court assembled in Kirtland
to investigate the case of Wesley Hulbert, against whom charges had been
preferred by Harriet Howe and others, “that Hulbert had denied the faith,
spoken reproachfully of the church, did not believe Joseph was a true
prophet, &c. Hulbert was in the place, but did not appear before the court
consequently was cut off.
Wilford Woodruff was ordained a teacher, at Richland, New York.
Liberty, Clay co, January 9th, 1834.
Dear Sir;
Since my communication of the 29th of November, and a petition dated the 6th
of December last, to which my name was attached, I am induced to trespass
again upon your patience, with further particulars in relation to the
unfortunate faction in Jackson county, on which subject I should be silent,
were it not that I entertain a hope of suggesting some ideas that may
ultimately prove useful in ameliorating the present suffering condition of my
brethren, and in some degree restoring peace to both parties.
Being particularly acquainted with the situation of both parties at this day,
my desire is, to write impartially; notwithstanding I feel very sensibly the
deep wound that has been inflicted upon the church of which I am a member, by
the citizens of Jackson county. The petition to your Excellency, dated the
6th of December last, was drawn up hastily by Mr, Phelps, and signed by
several of us, just before the closing of the mail; and there is one item in
particular in said petition, that needs some explanation; the request that
“our men may be organized into companies of Jackson Guards, and furnished
with arms by the state,” was made at the instance of disinterested advisers,
and also a communication from the Attorney General to Messrs. Doniphan and
Atchison, da [dated] the 21st of November last, giving his views as to the
propriety of organizing into regular companies, &c. The necessity of being
compelled to resort to arms, to regain our possessions in Jackson county, is
by no means agreeable to the feelings of the church, and would never be
thought of but from pure necessity.
In relationship to the court of enquiry [inquiry], serious difficulties
continue to exist, well calculated to preclude the most important testimony
of our church, and there appears to be no evil, which man is capable of
inflicting upon his fellow creature man, but what our people are threatened
with at this day by the citizens of Jackson county. This intimidates a great
many, particularly females and children, and no military guard would diminish
their fears so far as to induce them to attend the court in that county; this
with other serious difficulties will give a decided advantage to the
offenders, in a court of enquiry [inquiry], while they triumph in power,
numbers, &c.
The citizens of Jackson county, are well aware that they have this advantage,
and the leaders of the faction if they must submit to such a court, would
gladly hasten it. The church are anxious for a thorough investigation into
the whole affair, if their testimony can be taken without so great peril as
they have reason to fear. It is my opinion from present appearances, that not
one-fourth of the witnesses of our people, can be prevailed upon to go into
Jackson county to testify. The influence of the party that compose that
faction is considerable, and this influence operates in some degree, upon the
drafted militia, so far as to lessen confidence in the loyalty of that body:
and I am satisfied that the influence of the Jackson county faction, will not
be entirely put down while they have advocates among certain religious sects.
Knowing that your Excellency must be aware of the unequal contest in which we
are engaged, and that the little handful that compose our church, are not the
only sufferers that feel the oppressive hand of priestly power.-With these
difficulties and many others not enumerated, it would be my wish to adopt
such measures as are best calculated to allay the rage of Jackson county, and
restore the injured to their rightful possessions; and to this end, I would
suggest the propriety of purchasing the possessions of the most violent
leaders of the faction, and if they assent to this proposition, of about
twenty of the most influential in that county, (which would embrace the very
leaders of the faction,) could be obtained, I think the majority would cease
in their persecutions, at least, when a due exercise of executive counsel and
authority was manifested. I suggest the measure because it is of a pacific
nature, well knowing that no legal steps are calculated to subdue their
obduracy, only when pushed with energy by the highest authorities of the
In this proposal, I believe that I should have the concurrence of my
brethren. I therefore give this early intimation of our intention, or the
part of some of the leading men in the church, to purchase out some of the
principal leaders of the faction, if funds sufficient can be raised; hoping
thereby to regain peaceful possession of their homes and in making a trial of
this measure at a future day, we may deem it
(page 962)

important, and of great utility if we could avail ourselves of counsel and
directions from your Excellency, believing there will be a day, in
negociations [negotiations] for peace, in which an executive interposition,
would produce a salutary effect to both parties.
In this communication, with honesty of heart I have endeavored briefly to
touch upon a few interesting points in plain truth, believing that I have
given no wrong bias on either side, and with earnest prayers to our great
Benefactor, that the chief ruler of this state, may come to a full knowledge
of the grand outrage in Jackson county. I subscribe myself,
Your obedient servant,
To his Excellency DANIEL DUNKLIN, Jefferson City, Mo.
On the evening of the 11th of January, Joseph Smith, jr., Frederick G.
Williams, Newel K. Whitney, John Johnson, Oliver Cowdery and Orson Hyde
united in prayer, and asked the Lord to grant the following petitions:
That the Lord would grant that our lives might be precious in his sight, that
he would watch over our persons, and give his angels charge concerning us and
our families, that no evil nor unseen hand might be permitted to harm us.
That the Lord would also hold the lives of all the united order, and not
suffer that any of them shall be taken.
That the Lord would grant that Brother Joseph might prevail over his enemy,
even Doctor Hurlbert, who has threatened his life, whom Joseph has caused to
be taken with a precept; that the Lord would fill the heart of the court with
a spirit to do justice, and cause that the law of the land may be magnified
in bringing him to justice.
That the Lord would provide in the order of his providence, the bishop of
this church with means sufficient to discharge every debt that the order
owes, in due season, that the church may not be brought into disrepute and
the saints be afflicted by the hands of their enemies.
That the Lord would protect our printing press from the hands of evil men,
and give us means to send forth his record even his gospel, that the ears of
all may hear it, and also that we may print his scriptures; and also that he
would give those, who were appointed to conduct the press, wisdom sufficient,
that the cause may not be hindered, but that men’s eyes may thereby be opened
to see the truth.
That the Lord would deliver Zion, and gather in his scattered people to
possess it in peace; and also, while in their dispersion, that he would
provide for them that they perish not by hunger or cold; and finally, that
God, in the name of Jesus, would gather his elect speedily, and unveil his
face, that his saints might behold his glory, and dwell with him. Amen.
As soon as the Governor intimated, or the news began to circulate, that the
Mormons, (as the people styled the church) would be restored to their
possession in Jackson county (if they desired to be) the “priests’ of all
denominations, as the men behind the scene, with the mob, began to set their
springs in motion, and by their secret councils, and false publications and
insinuations, soured the public mind, and veiled the administration of the
laws, so that anything like a return to their houses and lands, or recovery
of damages for losses sustained, seemed as distant as the day of judgment.
The power of wickedness and darkness walked hand in hand together, and the
saints mourned.
January 16th. I visited Brother Jenkins Salisbury, and spent the night. O
Lord! keep us and my family safe, until I return unto them: O my God, have
mercy on my brethren in Zion, for Christ’s sake: Amen.

This history may also be found at the Huntingdon County, PA GenWeb Page.

7 thoughts on “John Cunningham and His Son Michael Hayes Brannigan Cunningham”

  1. Thanks for posting my John Cunningham story. I have a 2004 updated version with more information added on Henry H. Deam and everything is footnoted for the researcher. Email me if interested.

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